Saturday 1 March 2014

Midnight -Poem


The sky turned black and the stars were bright,
The moon rose high and cast down a light.
They high up in the mountains, very close to the moon,
A red Wolf howled, it's coat a shining maroon.

It came down the mountain, taking care with each foot,
However hard he tried, he got a large, deep cut.
He needed treatment he needed it fast,
Otherwise his next breath could possibly be his last.

A kind soul found him and gave him extra care,
As the Wolf was so weak he could only stare.
As the human gently wiped his scar,
The Wolf looked in his eyes: He knew that he will go far.

The Wolf stood, his eyes shining red,
He was about to leave when the human said:
"Goodbye little Wolf; I will miss you so,
I just want to say I am your friend not your foe."


Moonlight -Poem


Horse hooves thudded on the ground hard,
It galloped over wood; Burned and charred.
There had been a forest  fire earlier that day,
Any living soul could no longer stay.

The stallion cantered over the hot floor,
And over the purple and grass-green moor.
And when he reached the top of the hill,
He stopped and waited; Standing still.

After an hour of standing like this,
A girl ran up to him and gave him a kiss.
He snorted happily and reared up high,
Then sprouting black wings, he flew up in the sky.
